Three years gone.
For so long I was affronted and outraged that the world kept rolling on - you know how that is. Now I'm beyond grateful. Grief hands you a hundred lessons you don't want to learn.
Gratitude is the one worth accepting. It hands you back your life.
Here's Terry singing one of his finest: Dublin Blues (No.3).
I wish he'd put this one on an album.
He meant to but it kept getting bumped off for others.
Pic (T. DiMenno?)
"It's a Sandymount morning
Here's the sky coming through
With layers of buttermilk
On that old Dublin blue
With layers of tarmac
And layers of red in the rust
And its breakfast on Moore Street
Layers of bacon on the crust
Well I've been ducking and diving
Tightropes and tight lovers knots
And the secrets of sheets in the hotel
That room service forgot....."
Picture: Pete Rowe (I think)